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Hormone production in the testicles of a male goes down with the progression of age. While most men shrug it off as a normal part of the aging process, researchers increasingly believe that such symptoms should be addressed clinically. This condition is known as male climacteric andropause, which technically refers to the decline of androgen hormone in aging males. Sometimes it’s referred to as “low testosterone,” or “Low T.”
It is important to understand that andropause may not necessarily occur in every case. However, when it does, it is not a sudden development, and it emerges gradually. Some people informally call it the male menopause, but this condition is quite different from what the women experience. In women’s case, the change in hormonal levels is abrupt and accompanies the end of the reproductive cycle.
Andropause is more common than most men may believe. Between the age of 50 to 60, up to 40 percent of the male population may experience andropause. The chances of andropause keep growing with each passing year. In the age group of 80 and above, more than 90 percent of men experience andropause. Men who are concerned about this condition, particularly in the younger age groups, should consult a physician and seek appropriate treatment.
Reduced sexual drive and erectile quality are common symptoms of andropause. These conditions may be accompanied by:
Frequent change of mood, reduction in muscle mass, loss of body hair, a decrease in bone density, and excess fat around internal organs are also common indicators of andropause.